Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blog #10


Soda Stereo - De musica Lijera
performed by spongebob???

I chose this remix because the author of the video took 2 main pieces, sponge bob and a song by an Argentinean rock band. The video is low quality, but it does a good job on how to do remix in other to produce original pieces of art. It shows spongebob performing De musica ligera. The cartoon is so well cut that the lip sync, the drum, the guitar, and even the fireworks at the end matches very very well with the song.

Lessig states that a good remix is one that delivers a message (71). In this case, this video is entertaining and fun to watch. Proof of that is the thousands of views that it has. The author of the video took the pieces to create something original and is contribution to YouTube has inspired other people to do remixes as well. People are taking the Spongebob clip and meshing it with other songs of different genres. The other videos are not very well done, but is still an amateur attempt to remix. Moreover, Lessig tells us that a remix culture pushes the development of new culture and thats what it was done here.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the remix you choose. It is was one of the 'Spngebob' videos I had not seen. I think it is funny how cartoons seem to be the target of many types of remixes. I think your connections to Lessig were solid, though you might have considered using another quote. Overall good post.
